About the Journal
The Volume 7, No. 2 ( July-December 2024) Edition is online now.
Call for Papers: Sukkur IBA Journal of Emerging Technologies (SJET)
We are delighted to announce that SJET, an HEC-recognized Y Category Journal, is now accepting submissions for Volume 8, Issue 1 (Jan-June 2025).
Deadline for Submission: 31st March 2025
Sukkur IBA Journal of Emerging Technologies (SJET) is the international peer-reviewed, Open Access bi-annual (January-June and July-December) research journal, published by the Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur Pakistan. It focuses on articles which contribute new results in all domain of Engineering Technologies.
Sukkur IBA Journal of Emerging Technologies is recognized by Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan in “Y” category.
Current Issue
Dear Readers,
It is immense pleasure to present you the Latest issue of the Sukkur IBA Journal of Emerging Technologies (SJET). Sukkur IBA University firmly believes in the research environment and has provided a platform for the intellectuals and researchers to share knowledge and new findings on emerging trends in various research areas to solve the difficult technical problems related to the technological advancements in response to the demands of the times. The SJET provided an interdisciplinary platform to the researchers’ community to collaborate, co-innovate, and instigate efforts to break the technological barriers. This journal provides the opportunity to gain and present authentic and insightful scientific & technological information on the latest advances in the field of emerging technologies.
The SJET provides an invaluable source of information and enables the interested researchers to access the original information they are seeking. The manuscripts submitted in SJET have been followed by a double-blind peer-review process, which addresses key issues in the field of emerging engineering technologies. The SJET has endorsed high standards which are prerequisite for publishing high-quality research work. This journal manifests into an eco-system for the academician and engineers work together in the pursuit of excellence & innovation, that is why the editorial board of SJET is comprised of academic and industrial researchers from various advanced countries. The journal has been recognized by the higher education commission (HEC) of Pakistan under “Y” category. It has adopted an Open access policy without charging any publication fees that will certainly increase the readership by providing free access to a wider audience.
On behalf of the SJET, we welcome the submissions for the upcoming issue (Volume-8, issue-1, January–June 2025) and looking forward to receiving your valuable feedback.
We hope this journal will make a difference in our perspective and choice of research.