Sukkur IBA Journal of Educational Sciences and Technologies <p><strong>Sukkur IBA Journal of Educational Sciences and Technologies (SJEST) </strong>is the bi-annual research journal published by the Department of Education, Sukkur IBA University, Sindh, Pakistan. SJEST is dedicated to serve as a key resource to provide applied research associated with Educational sciences and technologies on a global scale. This journal publishes manuscripts, which are well written by highlighting new trends in educational sciences, social sciences, and emerging technologies.<strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong></p> en-US <p><strong>Sukkur IBA Journal of Educational Sciences and Technologies - SJEST&nbsp;</strong>holds the rights to all the published papers. The authors retain copyright. Authors are required to sign the consent to publish &amp; copyright agreement to make sure that the article/paper/work is solely published in&nbsp;<strong>SJEST</strong>&nbsp;and never been published before or will be published after publication in&nbsp;<strong>SJEST</strong>&nbsp;to any other journal. However,&nbsp;<strong>authors</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>readers</strong>&nbsp;may freely&nbsp;<strong>read</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>download</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>copy</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>distribute</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>print</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>search</strong>, or link to the full texts of articles and to use for any other lawful &amp; non-commercial purpose.</p> (Dr. Sohail Ahmed Memon) (Imtiaz Ahmed) Tue, 25 Jun 2024 08:02:40 +0200 OJS 60