Article Processing or Publishing Charges
Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business (SIJMB) does not charge any Article Processing Charges (APCs), Submission or Publication Fees from authors. Sukkur IBA University with the support of Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan covers the journal publication and processing cost to the larger interest of disseminating and publishing quality research work from the platform of Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business.
Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business also provides an immediate open access to its published content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and dissemination of ideas.
In addition, Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business provides a complimentary printed hard copy of the journal to author(s) and supplement copies of the journal are also distributed to HEI & R&D institutions of the country.
SIJMB does not charge article submission, processing or publication fee from authors from any part of the world.