Digital Archiving Policy
Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business - SIJMB is committed to the permanent availability and preservation of scholarly research published in SIJMB. SIJMB maintaining digital archive with following systems/programs as well as maintaining own digital archive through regular scheduled database backup schemes.
The LOCKSS Program, based at Stanford University Libraries, provides libraries and publishers with award-winning, low-cost, open source digital preservation tools to preserve and provide access to persistent and authoritative digital content. Non-for-profit dark archive which stores all SIJMB content.
Since, SIJMB using Open Journal Systems that supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal. LOCKSS is open source software developed at Stanford University Library that enables libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly polling registered journal websites for newly published content and archiving it. Each archive is continually validated against other library caches, and if content is found to be corrupted or lost, the other caches or the journal is used to restore it.
CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) is a not-for-profit joint venture between the world’s leading academic publishers and research libraries whose mission is to build a sustainable, geographically distributed dark archive with which to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications for the benefit of the greater global research community.
CLOCKSS is for the entire world's benefit. Content no longer available from any publisher ("triggered content") is available for free. CLOCKSS uniquely assigns this abandoned and orphaned content a Creative Commons license to ensure it remains available forever.
Since, SIJMB using Open Journal Systems that also supports the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for the journal. CLOCKSS is based upon the open-source LOCKSS software developed at Stanford University Library that enables libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly polling registered journal websites for newly published content and archiving it. Each archive is continually validated against other library caches, and if the content is found to be corrupted or lost, the other caches or the journal is used to restore it.
In addition, bibliographic data of published research scholarly work in Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business - SIJMB is archived in IDEAS RePEc through the input service which is exclusively granted to SIJMB for updating the metadata of published content. Published articles abstract views, downloads and citation statistics are also available at IDEAS RePEc.